Name your Hero Antipasto [3 grams]
We all have heroes when it comes to different aspects of how we live life...
Who is your Venture Hero?
How have you incorporated his/her ideology into your own story / plan?
What do you intend your legacy to be as a Venture Hero?
Part of my original inspiration for this business idea was generated by watching Meet the Press, the longest-running TV Show in the world, and best summary of the weekly political environment that I think you can get.
I have a 'Meet the Press problem', in that I cannot watch the show without constantly googling all the speakers to see what their experience is, what their biases may be, and generally how much I should listen to these people.
This problem collided one day with some lessons remembered from my MBA program at the University of Virginia - namely, that any place that you have a need that isn't being filled, or any time you ask the question 'why isn't there something like that'? - is the definition of an entrepreneurial possibility.
So when Michael Bloomberg came on the show, and I read his background and how he built Bloomberg and why, and how it changed the Finance Industry with real-time data, I asked the questions I should, as someone with an MBA working in government.
My one main question: if someone brought real-time information to government about what was happening in their cities, what would that look like?
As someone who has had a need to communicate my own, non-emergency needs to government, I saw this particular need as one that could be filled in real-time with existing technology - and that's when I generated the idea for OrangeCone.
I hope that my legacy as a Venture Hero will be one of becoming successful by doing good - giving people a voice about the places they live, and giving governments, nonprofits, transit authorities, and all others that care for public spaces real time information about what's happening in the spaces they manage.